Property Investment Made Easy

Australian Terra Firm Group (ATFG) has been providing residential investment property support and services for 11 years.

Property Acquisition

Are you interested in purchasing an investment property but found it too hard to get started?

Property Consultants

Do you have $100,000 in equity and a household income of over $80,000?

Finance Specialists

Would you like to own your own property for as little as $50 per week?

About Australian Terrafirma Group

Support and services for 11 years

The group has evolved and grown over the past ten years to a point where we are now actively involved in the following activities within the investment industry

Current Project for Sale

Nerangba Grove

Our Expertise

Our Services

Property Consultants

Provides face to face in home assessment of our client's requirements and manages the acquisition process.

Relationship Manager

Co-ordinates the team on behalf of the client to ensure that all their needs are met as required. This support is provided both prior to a client

Property Acquisition

Constantly monitor the property markets throughout Australia to ensure we have access to quality investment stock

Get in touch if you would like details on any of our developments or services.


What our Clients Say